So much to say...

Yet, seriously so little time to say it. I have much to update on! Oh so much! Warnings, great news, photos, fun times and lots of love! Until then though, can you guess what these three things have in common? If you already know - no fair guessing!


Maija said...

I don't know, but I am interested in finding out!

Scott and Christy said...

You tease!

Christy O

Anonymous said...

The wonderful lady in the center looks like The Queen, and the crown charm on the side would only be fit for a queen... I have no earthly idea, but I'm great at pontificating, as is the queen!

Julie B.

Amy Pennington said...

you are the queen of creativity!

mE said...


mE said...

as in Silver Bella???

Anonymous said...

I know I know! I will hold off and be good to not give it away!

Anonymous said...

I have no idea, but it will be fun to find out.
Lisa Z