So many fires in the pot, and all of which seem to be important right now. I'm slowing down though and taking things at my own pace rather than the speedy Road Runner pace I'm normally drawn to. A big thing to mention...
All of our bean talk is going to be posted on our family website ( This will allow me to keep this site ( full of my regular ramblings, and creative pursuits. We've recently had our third ultrasound and have posted the movies to share with our friends and family.
Of course, with all of the craziness (it's a good thing!) I haven't had much time to do anything as a creative outlet. Argh! I've got plans for that to change and hopefully it will soon. Here is a list of what's been happening around here:
- I'm working dilligently to keep to a cooking/menu plan and doing my grocery shopping once a week. Really, planning out our meals isn't the hard part - it's the actually getting around to cooking it and getting it ready between the time I get home from work and when Steve-o has to leave. That's a MAJOR struggle sometimes!
- I'm reading Stephanie Meyers Twilight series books for the 5th time this year. Seriously. I think I need to find another series to fall in love with . Granted the 4th book will be released on August 2nd, and the movie of the first book will be released December 12th. But, a girl shouldn't read a series of books SO much. Right?
- My parents were here over the weekend with my younger sister (Bekki) and her daughter (oh so wonderful and perfect Addison - seriously! She is!!), and my youngest brother, Scott. I had a lovely time enjoying time with them and playing with the baby. My parents are in the process of moving down to South Texas. This will put them uber close to my sister's family and of course... the grandbabies! Another great perk (at least for me) is that they will be one super quick direct flight away from me and our family too! YAY! No more long flights and then 3 hour drives to get 'home'! Wahooooo!
- The wonderful and marvelous Teresa McFayden has set the dates for Silver Bella 2008. I am so over the moon excited to go! This will be my last 'hoo-rah' before our bean arrives. I'm already dreaming of creative ways to package my swaps and what fun places I want to visit while there. Ooooh the glitter and fun of it all!
- I'm working on two dates (one for July, the other for August) for classes in my home. One will definitely be on creating a celebratory banner. The other will definitely be a basic, introductory soldering class. I'll have the dates finalized soon and will post the information here.
- I'm STILL busy cleaning up and clearing out the "stash" room. Craziness!!! Insanity is what it really is. It's still full of boxes, suitcases, shopping bags, and baskets of crafting supplies, magazines, fun purchases, and product like you would NEVER believe! It absolutely must be finished by July 19th because....
Of course, more details will be shortly coming. But, the date is set, my deadline has been determined, and Steve is just as pleased as can be. He's determined to take whatever I don't go through down to either the city dumpster, or to Goodwill. I'm determined to get through as much as I can because there are some super fun baby purchases I'd LOVE to make!
That's about it for tonight. I'll be back soon with more - promise!
lol I have just been giving away all my scrapbook stuff I had so much of it! So much smarter to do a garage sale lol!
So how's life? :P
Heather, Looking forward to seeing you at Silver Bella 2008! Maybe this year I can actually sit down and have a conversation with you! This must be the year of organization; I'm turning one of my basement rooms into my craft room. Presently every room is my craft room and it's making me a little nuts!
Julie B. (no blog yet, that would be to organized)
Great to hear from you! I'll check out your family site regularly. Sorry I'm not in Texas for the big sale. :(
where oh where has heather gone... oh where oh where can she beeeeeee????
heather girlie!! is this going to be at your house? let me know if you have room because i am having the same feeling you are!! LOL!! :]
email me at and give me the details!
Wow! I'm really behind in my blog reading. Congratulations! And I will see you at Silver Bella!!! Last year was great and I am sensing this year's will be WONDERFUL!
Looking forward to seeing you again at Silver Bella! I will TRY not to touch your tummy!
Hugs, Kim
Is this going to be just you selling your stuf? or is it open to other sellers?? I've been doing serious purge and MUST get this stuff out of my house!
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