Where oh Where.....

So, I've been missing for quite a while. Shocking? Not so much. Seriously.

Life is what happens when life gets into the way. Know what I mean? My job is crazy and I tend to work absurd hours. Not because it's completely required, but because I see something that needs to be done, and on the schedule it needs to be done on. I'm a sucker.

And it's all going to change.

At least a little bit anyway.

You see, by some miracle of miracles, without any medical intervention, and without any specific scheduling, charting, or other fertility plan, somehow our bodies aligned and things went where they were supposed to go, swimmers were embraced, and well..... I'm pregnant.


As of today's ultrasound, I am 7 weeks 6 days along and due in December - the very very end of December. Here's the flutter of our little bean - the bean in my belly!

We're thrilled. I'm exhausted - way more than ever ever before, and I'm not really sick, just a bit here and a bit there.


daisiesforu said...

oh my goodness...congrats...i am so excited for you....

Valita said...

You know I am thrilled for you. I am here if you need me.

just jenn said...

I am so happy for you! We need to get together sometime for lunch. :)

Jenny said...

Wow! I am so happy for you, I can't believe that happened without any sort of help, what a miracle! Forest gives his congratulations as well, let us know if we can do anything for you in the meantime!

AllisonK said...


Anonymous said...

Congratulations Heather on your wonderful blessing. I pray all will be well with you and your precious little angel.

Maija said...

Congratulations on your blessed news!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh Heather - I'm so happy for you and your man! Blessings to you, the hubs and little Peanut!

Julie B. (the one without a blog)!

msjonnalee said...

congrats to you and steve!!! I think 12/28 is a great birthday and I'll let you borrow my nickname too, ms jaelee

Jill said...

Oh so wonderful! Congrats! Congrats! Congrats!!!! Such exciting news. Absolutely thrilled for you two!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Heather,

A while back I remember you writing something about how long it might take for the swimmers to get to where they were supposed to go. Since my husband and I have been trying as well I check your blog every so often hoping for news of that sort. So yeah for you!! 1,000 congrats and happy wishes!! I hope it is smooth sailing all the way. ~Johanna

Valerie said...

Congrats!! That is sooooo exciting!

Kristy said...

WoHoo! I am so excited for you guys. That is really great news!

Tamara said...

Yay!! So happy for y'all!

Lanna said...

Congrats!!! Can't wait to tell Ren. He'll be so happy for you.

~Jamie said...

eeeeew! that's a pic of your pee!

hehe gratz girlie! You will be the best mom ever!

Anonymous said...

oh my gosh, I haven't visited your blog in forever. What great news!!! Congratulations to you and Steve!!

Robin said...

Congrats! I read through your archives and was swallowed up by your adoption category. Wishing you great health and happiness!

Anonymous said...

I just happend to be blog surfing and I want to say, congratulations!!! I take it from your post that you were trying to get pregnant.....my husband and I are still trying. I am so excited for you, somehow when I read of your great news, it strengthen my hope that any day now I can be anouncing the same results. I already have three lovely girls, who are joyful about adding to our family.

BE HEALTHY and enjoy every day of it.
~B.beautiful, mind, body, spirit.

Thankful Terri said...

Heather congrats to you and your huband. I wish you the best of luck. Your wonderful personality will make you an awesome mother. I am sure the baby will have a great scrapbook too.

Danielle Muller said...

many blessings on your new adventure!


Melissa said...


T. said...

Mega Congrats!! So glad to see you this past Saturday, but sad that it was the "final hurrah" for SBP.

Keep us updated on this pregnancy. I'm always a sucker for ultrasound pictures!

Amy Pennington said...

I thought I had commented...I m a slacker cause of google reader!!!!

congrats! I m so excited for you!

Anonymous said...

You and Steve are very blessed...and completely lucky! Have an amazing pregnancy and best of luck to you both! Take care!
Michelle H in Ohio

Kimla Kay said...

Heather!!! Fantastic news! I am so happy for you and Steve. What an amazing little miracle...and could not have happened to a nicer person. I won't be going to Omaha this year...busy with baby and moving but I'll definitely be there in '09. Hugs to you! kimla