I need to set myself a reminder so that I update my journal for you all.
A lot has happened over the last month, and I have a million things going on!My father's mother passed away last month, and I was able to travel to Utah to attend her funeral. It was nice to see all of my cousins, aunts, and uncles - but it was sad that we got to gether for such a sad occasion. My grandmother was a fun, vibrant and outgoing person. I have many of her qualities. In her honor (and of course to be unusual) I wore bright colors and sparkly jewelry to her funeral - just as she would have done.
My mother's mother passed away last week, and her funeral is this coming Saturday - again in Utah. They say that people pass away in rounds of 3 - I hope it isn't true!
My parents, sister (Bekki) and her family came up for the 4th of July weekend. It was really great to see everyone (especially the kids!!). The kids are growing up so fast - and are getting more fun by the day! I love it that Arissa has really started communicating. It makes life much easier and a lot more fun. Of course, it's even better that she's potty trained!
Steve and I are still dating. His sister, Kimberlee, is coming out to visit the first week of August. I'm really looking forward to spending some girly time with her. We will definitely have to go and get pedicures! She is such a cute girl - and I can't wait to get to know her better!
I am stuck in a whirlwind of papercrafting projects. CHA is July 15th - 17th in Chicago. I was going to attend this year, but decided against it with all of the bereavement time I've needed to take this year. It hasn't stopped me or my to-do list of projects though! I'll be pulling late nights for the next while trying to get everything finished for the various manufacturers and booths. It's fun to know that your work is valued and displayed so that other manufacturers and vendors (store owners, etc) see it. However, the task of creating something impressive and creative can get overwhelming. It's a good thing I enjoy it!
Speaking of which, I'm in the middle of creating my projects for an idea book for Maya Road (one of my all time favorite companies to work with). The premise behind the book is to show papercrafters (mostly scrapbookers) how to take the supplies they already have, apply them in a different way, to something they may already have and use the project as a home decor item. It's been a lot of fun brainstorming ways to utilize the growing collections of products - and I really can't wait to see the end results! I KNOW that my family tree will be DA BOMB!!!!
Anyway, I think that's it for now!
Until next time,
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