Mommy Confessions...

Two of my mommy blogger friends (and really friends from way back when I lived in Ohio, and wasn't married, and enjoyed living the nightlife a little too much), post their Mommy Confessions on their shared blog each Friday. I really enjoy reading their confessions, and realizing that I'm not so alone in my mommy world. I thought it would be fun to participate along with them, and get some of this jazz off of my chest.

I confess...

  • I don't know how I'm going to survive the summer - it gets really HOT in Texas, Ya'll.
  • And, I have a very active 3 year old who is currently taking every book he owns out of the playroom bookcase because he's "reading".  Reading = taking all the books out and putting them on the floor. And, then crying about it when I tell him they need to be picked up before we move onto another activity.
  • And, I'm pregnant. Granted, I've been pregnant twice before during Texas summers. It isn't pretty. I'm so glad that several friends have pools, or live in communities that have pools, so that I can go and be a beached whale without feeling too terribly self conscious.
  • The first story of our house (exception being the garage) looks good. Almost great even. The upstairs? Completely opposite. The mount Ales of laundry has taken over my bedroom - well... let's be real. It's more like the Grand Canyon of laundry piles. There are piles on top of piles. Maternity clothes that are too hot to wear (they're winter clothes), clothes that I haven't worn, or didn't fit when I got pregnant (that need to be donated), clothes that just need to be put into a storage bin for when I find my post-baby body again. Heck, there are towels, sheets, and kid clothes too. It's a mess ya'll. I need to get that squared away.
  • My garden looks amazing.
  • I'm afraid to be confident and happy about my garden because then something will happen and it'll turn into a big pile of weeds and no veggies.
  • There's a pretty good chance that our little family will be moving. Where? We don't know. It all depends on how the union negotiations work out with my husbands employer. It looks like it will most likely be in the north eastern US or the west coast. 
  • I've moved lots and lots and lots of times. Over 30 times actually. 
  • I hate moving.
  • But, I'm looking forward to the possibilities.
  • I am also NOT looking forward to changes. Moving into a house half the size of what we have now is going to be a challenge.
  • I am really, really not looking forward to cleaning out my house and getting rid of excess. 
  • Even though, I've been simpifying my house and life for at least a year.
  • My studio/art room/craft room is less than half what it used to be, but is still WAY more than it should be. Or, will need to be if we move.
  • I haven't even been in there to really create or make things in ... I don't know how long.
  • I am over canning for the year. Really.
  • While I am really over being anemic, I confess that I am SO looking forward to today's drug induced (benedryl drip) nap during my iron infusion. In a heated, vibrating chair. That kind of sounds heavenly at the moment.
  • I wish I could wear makeup and not look like a clown. Robin makes it look so easy and classy.
  • I have a huge list of topics I really want to blog, complete with notes on each one. Clearly, I am getting places with that list. 
  • Not.
  • I am a little afraid of my son being "too smart" or "too advanced" for his preschool class next year. But, at the same time, I don't want to hold him back from continuing his learning. He's just so darn smart. 
  • Too smart for his own good sometimes. 
  • And I love him for it.
That's about it... here's to a productive weekend full of fun, birthday parties, and laundry!!


andrea@mommy confessions blog said...

Don't be afraid of him being to smart. Embrace it. Honestly that is all you can do. TRUST ME. I had to learn it all on my own. I have Evan he is freaking Doogie Houser. It kills me. He honestly is a rock star and I still don't know how to deal with his brains on most days but embrace it. Give him what he needs and feed his little brain.

Kandi said...

I do not envy pregnant in Texas heat at all! Yay for pools! I hope you find out soon about moving. As for the art studio, I am in that boat as well! I just walk into the room, sigh and walk back out because there is something more important to do. I only hope that I can get back in there at some point!

Robin Thomas said...

A smart child is awesome. So good to have them love learning.

Lord, you will be hot this summer!

Don't go!

Thank you. Your beauty shines Heather, I hope you knew that