All signs are pointing to the same cause.
I am with child.
And, by all signs, this one is here to stay.
We are excited! Fred is (occasionally, and mostly) thrilled! We'll have some big changes coming to our family come late fall!
And with that, most of my life revolves around this little 3 year old whose vocabulary and grasp of English sentence structure impresses me on an increasing occasion.
Though, this isn't a great example, here is one of our most recent conversations.
Me: Freddy, how old will you be on your next birthday.
Freddy: I don't know. How about you tell me? Wait! I know. I will be four years old!
Me: That's right! Good job, Buddy!
Freddy: When I turn 4 I get to drive!
Me: Um. Not quite. You can drive when you turn sixteen. That is, if you're an eagle scout.
Freddy: Sixteen? Oooooooooh. That's a long time!
Congratulations, Heather - that is so thrilling. V. happy for you.
Yeah!!! so so happy for you. Smilin' big time =) and love the conversation with you and Freddy~ the best times. Enjoy it all!
How cute is that little Freddy!
I am so excited for your sweet little family and wish you could get passed all the sicky stuff! Soon!
I am so tickled for you sweet Heather, for your whole family.
I love that big 'ol happy grin of big bro Fred.
Thank you for visiting my blog and for leaving your's lovely to meet you. And congratulations on your exciting baby news! It looks like your fun loving boy will be a wonderful big brother.
What an adorable fella!
And congratulations on baby-to-be!!
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