Steve (oh so strong and mighty!!) dug the beds.
It wasn't a small feat.
Here in North Texas, our soil is mostly rocks.
Big huge, honkin' rocks.
And clay.
Lots and Lots and LOTS of clay.
Anyway, he used his super human man strength and started digging our gardening beds. (With a bunch of little super toddler help!)
We decided to go with a square foot gardening plan,with a few adjustments. We purchased our raised bed gardening frames at a local superstore. The plan was for 2 raised beds.
It turned out that the frames I bought weren't part of the square foot gardening plan. They measured 40"x40" square.
So a few adjustments had to be made. No problem. Right?
Not so much.
It turns out that when I went shopping, I didn't pay enough attention, and thought that I could just pop one tomato plant into each square foot spot. You know how it is, right? You're at the garden center looking at all of the wonderful vegetable plants and dreaming of the fabulousness that your garden will be - if you buy these plants.
And buy I did.
16 tomato plants, 3 basil plants, 6 pepper plants, 2 zucchini plants, 2 summer squash plants, 3 cucumber plants, 2 fennel plants, 2 cilantro plants, 1dill plant.
Isn't that just enough for 2 raised square foot garden beds? More like enough for 5 raised garden beds. But, I didn't realize that yet.
It's a good thing this is a learning experience.
Learning I am!!
Making this long story short(er)... here's what I did.
I begged Steve to dig a 3rd bed, and he did.
I put 9 tomato plants in that bed (oh what a novice I am!!), and planted everything else in the other two beds.
Everything went swimmingly... until EVERYTHING started to grow.
Well mostly.
I'll finish up this tale in another episode... because believe me... there is much more to tell. (and a whole lot more belly laughs at my inexperience too!)
j.e.a.l.o.u.s ~ ive always wanted a garden but its not to be :(
~looks like fun~
You and I should NOT shop for plants together....I have not learned yet. I am getting better. Love your little stories! Hope this finds you well.
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