If you've ever lived in, visted, or known anyone who lives in North Texas, you have heard about the delights of allergies.
Except, that they aren't delightful.
At all.
I'm not kidding. I hate allergies.
But, yet I live in North Texas where when the wind blows everything from just about everywhere in our great nation blows into town and promptly parks itself in my sinuses.
I've taken many different medications over the years to try and thwart the effects of these delights. Some of them prescription strength and some over the counter. (Speaking of which... are you as amazed as I am at the cost of prescription medications? SHOCKING! But, when I stop to think about the time, money, brilliance, and science that has gone into creating these little amazing pills, I realize that really, it's not SO bad.. It sucks for my wallet, but I'd rather be with the invention than without!!)
Zyrtec, Allegra, Claritin, and all of the "D" versions too.
In recent years, I've been lucky enough to have a family member work for Walgreens. That means, I get to enjoy the hookup of discounts. (Which, in reality, are nice but not necessary. I find that Walgreens has great prices on their medications!)
And, on the rare occasion, a drug delivery. (Does that make her my dealer?)
Anyway, last spring, I was desperate for sinus relief and I didn't have the energy to haul myself and Little Man to the store to hook myself up.
And so my dealer arrived with 24 hour relief WAL-ITIN D.
At first, I was leery to take a generic brand medication. I thought it wasn't the same as the name brand, and that perhaps somewhere the same ingredients (or ingredients that do the same thing) wouldn't be comparable.
But, I was desperate for relief, and grateful that I didn't have to jet to the store. (Really, the store should have been grateful too, because I was not looking pretty).
So, I took it, and long story short... I love it.
So much so that every 15 days I'm there buying another box (thank you meth heads for making sure that yet another over-the-counter medication has to be monitored).
A few things I learned about store brand, generic version medications...
Most contain the same active ingredients as other national brands.
Have a 100% satisfaction guarantee.
Visit http://www.walgreens.com/walgr… to learn more about Walgreens Brand Health & Wellness Products.
Long story short, living in North Texas has it's benefits (flip flops on Christmas day, fresh salsa anytime, and Sonic to name a short few), but it also has it's drawbacks.
But, thanks to amazing drugs, like Wal-itin D, I can survive without being congested, itchy, and without scratching my eyes out.
P.S. Several bloggers are doing giveaways on their blog. If you're inclined, check it out!
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