Planning our Thanksgiving Dinner

Thanksgiving Dinner Photo, originally uploaded by heather_ales.

Surely someone else out there in blog land is proactive in planning their Thanksgiving meal. My friends and family often tease me about my menu - all in jest of course because when it comes down to eating it, they're ALL in.

I've been thinking about what to serve and cook this year. And of course, what I'm willing to let others bring. I'm the kind of girl who loves to do all the cooking (I SO inherited this trait from my mother) and who normally tells everyone else to not worry about bringing a thing, I'l have it all covered.

I'm trying to let go and let others enjoy bringing food too. Our friends ask us if they can come to our house for dinner (sometimes multiple times a week) and tend to have their feelings hurt if they're not regularly invited. I think I should take that as a compliment.

That being said, here is what I'm planning to have for our 2007 Thanksgiving Feast:

Appetizers/Stay out of my Kitchen food:
Cheese Ball
Cara’s Cheesy Wonder Dip (compliments of Cara)
Vegi Tray
Sausage Balls

Main Course:
Roasted Turkey (I'm shooting for a 25 pounder this time. Imagine the freezer stocking I'll be able to do!)
Grandma Linette’s Mashed Potatoes
Homemade Turkey Gravy
Crockpot Stuffing (using homemade bread at that!)
Sesame Green Beans (compliments of Chris)
Cranberry Relish
Creamed Corn
Frog Eye Salad
Yeast Sweet Rolls
Sweet Potatoes

Pumpkin Pie
Pecan Tartlets
Choco Choco Chocolate Choco Pie
Banana Crème Pie
Apple Pie

Holiday Treats:
Caramel Popcorn
Sugar Coated Pecans
Ohio Buckeyes
Loaded Chex Mix
Mini Banana Bread Loaves
Wreath Cookies
Linzer Cookies
Grandma Rowleys Divinity
Mary's Holiday Fantasy Fudge

Each year, I'm quite zealous in my holiday meal pursuits. Lots of everything - especially leftovers. (I've been testing out some new leftover recipes though. So far they're awesome!) We have this crazy tradition which I love. Every Thanksgiving each person who attends our meal gets their very own pie. Yes, a pie all of their very own. Normally I bake full sized 9" pies for each person. However, this year I smartened up and ordered 5" disposable pie pans from a great kitchen store. I'll be able to split each regular sized pie recipe into two seperate pies thus saving myself from baking a gazillion pies. YAY me!

So tell me, what's your favorite thing to make or to eat at your Thanksgiving meal?


Anonymous said...

twice baked potatoes, gravy and of course the left over turkey sanddwiches on squishy freah bread the next day. All something to look forward to. I would love to hear about your crockpot stuffing recipe. I have never tried that before! :-)

Jodie said...

Um, can I come to your house this year?? :) Your dinner sounds fabulous! I think my favorite part of my meal is my stuffing. I put sausage in it along with lots of veggies and butter. I then put it into a casserole dish over night and cook it in the oven on Thanksgiving. It is soooo delicious and there is never enough!! Happy Thanksgiving!!

Kristy said...

That looks fantastic! What a menu.

Our family always has two kinds of potatoes: the regular mashed and the million dollar variety, which is basically just potatoes with cream. Very decadent, but delish.

Jenny said...

I saw the "Frog Eye Salad" and thought "I want to eat at Heather's!". I should just make it, but I will be the only one eating it and since I am making all of the side dishes this year, I have no desire to add one more just for me! Maybe for Christmas!

Hope you have a great Thanksgiving!

Anonymous said...

So...will you post the instructions for your crock-pot stuffing? That sounds intriguing, as stuffing (and, well, pie crust!) is a cooking nemesis for me! Your menu looks delicious!