Then and Now... a Comparison

Have you ever looked back at your life, even over maybe the last 5 years, and realize the changes, possibly huge changes that have occurred during that time? Today I thought for a bit on the changes I’ve had occur in my life, and am honestly quite shocked. Some of them were changes I made subconsciously or unintentionally. Others were made very deliberately. For some reason I’m shocked at the difference of who I am today, compared who I was then. I live my life differently in many ways, but in others I’m still very much the same.

For instance here are a few comparisons:

I lived in Dayton, Ohio.
I live in Roanoke, Texas – part of the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex, and about 3 miles from the Texas Motor Speedway.

I ate anything and everything I wanted, in whatever quantity I craved. I would gorge without a moment’s thought. I didn't give much thought to my body, or it's health. I was overweight and very much in denial.
I watch what I eat, and tend to curb the urge to eat. I do splurge here and there, but it’s VERY unusual for me to gorge. I give a lot of thought to my body and it's health. I am actively participating in many activities, and work/strive to get/keep myself in shape. I am not overweight (but am bottom heavy). I plan to participate in a marathon - what a difference!

I spent money as if it would never stop coming in. I didn’t save for a rainy day, and I was very frivolous with purchases I made.
I work hard to not stop myself from purchasing everything my heart desires. Oftentimes, the purchases I make are thought out and planned instead of spontaneous. I do make some spontaneous purchase, but they are not as common or often as they once were. (Though Steve will be the first tell you I still buy things I/We don’t need. He’s right…)

I would walk out of the house, to work, in whatever. There was no thought, rhyme or reason to many of the outfits I chose. I didn’t spend time doing my hair, or makeup. Au natural was very much the way I lived.
I care about myself physically. I take the time to put the effort into myself and into my appearance and attire.

I was willing to sacrifice the things I wanted most in life, for things I wanted at that moment.
I work hard to make sure that my life goals and plans are on track. I am not willing to sacrifice them for things that seem fantastic at the moment.

I did not plan to get married.
I am happily married, and to a man who is absolutely fantastic. We are so different in SO many ways. But, we also have strong similarities and common things too.

I loved doing crafty things.
I still enjoy crafting items. I’ve stream lined the crafting items I regularly participate in rather then doing so much. I spend most of my time focusing on paper crafts and home décor crafts than anything else.

I went out every weekend; dancing, karaoke, and partying the night away.
I hardly ever go out. We go out to eat, but I haven’t been out dancing or karaokeing in ages. I get my groove on while dancing around the house.

I was focused on myself and on what I wanted to do.
I’m focused on my family, and on our goals and future plans.

I taught crafting classes to my friends.
I design and teach classes for manufacturers. I travel around the country sharing the joy with those who understand and enjoy the same passion.

So many things have changed, but many things are still the same. I am still an early bird. I still love to cook and have dinner parties. I continue to enjoy stimulating and intellectual conversation. Although we have our differences (and sometimes they are quite massive) I still love and enjoy spending time with my parents and siblings.

Ahh the joys of deep thoughts!


Anonymous said...

Love the format for this entry! What a clever idea. Loved reading your THENs and NOWs. Very cool Heather!

Anonymous said...

One thing you didn't mention that I don't perceive has changed is your ability to always remember special days in the lives of your family and remember them in some way. I have a Then and Now for you regarding this is you'll allow me. Then: You called your dad before my birthday and our anniversary to remind him to get me flowers or something. Now: He remembers those little things without prompting - a tribute to your thoughtfulness! Love you Sweetpea