Here's where I'm at so far on last month's PaperBella kit, Paperback Girl. This was so fun! I love the extra techniques. It's not that they're so new or fresh - but a different twist on another technique, something I would never have thought of. I SO can't wait for the next kit to get here! I have to figure out the settings on Steve's little camera. I have photos from a few different angles, but I couldn't get it to work without a flash reflection. I could really use a "Camera 101" or basic photography class!


Virginia said...

Ok, where are the rest of your reviews?!?! LOL I know you took enough notes and tapped on that laptop early in the morning! You have done some great ones, so let's hear the rest!

T. said...

Heather, you might try putting your project in light by a window, but not in direct sunlight. Sometimes that's bright enough that you don't need the flash.
