A big shout out...

If you've been reading any of the comments, you've seen my brother Roberts posts. He's the dude in the photo on the left (taken at my Grandmother Davidsons funeral in May) and he's HILARIOUS! Seriously! My brother Robert ROCKS! My other brother, Scott does too, but this post is about Robert. He is one freakin' hilarious, amazingly intelligent, thought provoking, make-your-heart swoon singing, computer fixing, awesome hair style, choir directing, great dressing, Harry Connick piano playing DUDE!! He seriously rocks! And, I know that if I ever need him, seriously need him, he'll be there. He is one fantastic brother, and I count myself blessed to know him. Even when his humor pisses me off (because it's about me... and TRUE...) I still love him! And, it made me happy to know that he reads my blog everyday. I seriously consider that a compliment - what a stud!

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