Grandma Rowley's Divinity


4 C. Sugar
1 C. Light Corn Syrup
3/4 C. Water
1/4 t. salt
3 large egg whites, beaten
2 t. vanilla
nuts if desired.


Mix sugar, syrup, water & salt. Bring to a boil over medium heat. Stir, cover, and cook for 1 minute. Remove cover and cook to soft ball stage.

Add 1/3 C. of mixture to the egg whites. Continue cooking the remainder of the sugar mixture until it reaches hard ball stage. Add to egg white mixture. Beat until fluffy and add vanilla. Beat until it loses its gloss. (You'll probably have to hand beat it for the last few minutes). Add nuts (if desired). Drop by the teaspoon full onto wax paper and cool.

** This recipe is from Aunt Carolyn's recipe stash.

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