Big Changes and Simple Pleasures

A few weeks ago, I posted how something great was on the horizon. Unfortunately (or maybe not so unfortunate) it fell through. As most of you know, we've been thinking about selling our home for some time. We love the area, love the city, and love our neighbors - but we don't love the traffic or the predictions of how much worse the traffic on our street is going to become.

Oh the joys of living in a thriving new community/town, eh?

Well, Steve and I go through our cycles in regards to making this decision. It's been made for some time, but actually acting on it has been another story. We've been looking at houses with our awesome real estate agent, Lisa. She has been ever so patient with us as we work towards finding the perfect house for us - and incredibly patient in dealing with the strange decision making process we have.

Anyway, we had found a house that was ideal. It was GORGEOUS and was loaded with upgrades and little fun touches the owners had put into it. The layout was ideal, and my studio was going to be FANTASTIC! Sadly though, as is often the case, we waited too long to make a decision and another buyer had put in an offer that had been accepted.

So we went back to the drawing board.

We looked at a few more homes and found one that is perfect for us. It's not a perfect house by any means, but it is the perfect kind of house Steve loves. It needs a bit of work, but it's nothing that needs immediate attention. It's the kind of work which can be done over time and in it's time.

We put in an offer to the sellers and they countered. We, in turn, countered their counter. They countered again.... and we accepted! (All this counter talk makes me think of kitchens... and oh how I'd love granite or marble counters! I'm so NOT getting them anytime soon!). We'll potentially be closing on April 9th (holy shazam batman - that's FAST!). So, we're MOVING! After we've moved our stuff out of our current home, we're going to put it onto the market. Our agent feels that our home will sell quickly - we hope she's right!

It's still in the same town, but in a different sub division (and is on the same street as the previously located, but now unavailable, house). It has plenty of bedrooms for us, for our guests, and for our future family (no, I'm not pregnant), and any family members that come to stay with us for periods of time (our friends call our house Hotel Ales!). I'll still have a studio, and in time it will be fabulous. I haven't decided which room I'd like to declare as mine, but there are only so many options and all of the rooms (aside from the master suite) are close to the same size so, it really doesn't matter. I can't wait to hang my Cari Kraft original Robin's Egg on the front door - that's when I'll know that the house is really ours.

So, funds are going to be tight. It's going to be a new thing for me. Not being tight with money that is, but completely sharing a budget with Steve. Since we've been married, I've always just had a portion of my regular paycheck put into the main account and he's used it to contribute to whatever expenses we had. I used the rest of my check to buy groceries, household stuff, and whatever else I wanted. It was my money to do with as I pleased (as long as Steve had food to eat).

I'm going to miss not buying little sussies and lovelies from my scrappy friends. So many of them have incredible Etsy shoppes, and create such lovely things! Cari always has oodles of eye candy going on - and if you can believe it they're even more fabulous in real life! One of these days I'll share my favorite Etsy shoppes with you - there are SO many out there! Maybe one of these days I'll start one myself!

However, with this new additional expense, I've agreed to put the majority of my paycheck into the main account. YIKES! I'm going to be ACCOUNTABLE for my purchases (accountable is a scary word - don't you think??) And THAT, Ladies and Gents, is what's going to be new for me. It's a scary thing for me - someone will actually know how much I spend on things like... scrappy supplies, and Sonic drinks! I'm going to have to tighten up, and fly right - which honestly I should do anyway!

So, since I'm going to start living a sompler lifestyle, do you have any simple pleasures? Things which bring you little bits of happiness but are inexpensive? Would you mind sharing them with me? Something tells me that I'm going to need lots of help!

X's & O's,


Anonymous said...

CONGRATS!!! I'm so excited that you guys are (finally) moving forward!
~Heather B.

Molly said...

WOW! Congrats to you!

corinne5 said...

wow that house looks so beautiful, huge congrats!


happyhome43 said...

I am so very happy for the two of you! This is a big step in married life, buying your first house TOGETHER! I love you both and can't wait to see it! Sheri

Anonymous said...

Wow, Heather---that is so exciting, and the house looks wonderful! I think that the adjustment of "sharing" money as a couple is SO HARD. We've been married for 15 years and we still have money arguments, lol. Probably always will.

Something that's helped me since I started staying home again (making money much tighter!) is to really make myself think about wants versus needs, and then not letting myself feel guilty about buying the needs. And I DO think you have to have some portion of your budget set aside for wants, too.

Good luck with this new adjustment!

Michelle said...

Congrats on the new house Heather... It looks gorgeous!

Mary said...

congrats! Hope you are doing well - and sorry we never got to do lunch since we worked so close together. I am in the process of moving my whole world to North Carolina but hope to see you on my trips back to DFW - the SB Community there is tight! Take care and keep in touch!

Kristy said...

Congrats! That is very exciting. I still wish you were moving to Woodland Springs, but ... oh, well.

As for money saving tips, remember that many Sonics offer free refills on the Route 44's, and they never complain about the never-expiring 99-cent coupon!

Anonymous said...

I am so excited for you!!!! It will all be okay and will all work out, one step at a time! I can't wait to see an egg on your front door either, cause that will mean that you are there!!!! Boxes and all!

Maija said...

Congrats on your beautiful new home!