So much is going on and happening right now. It almost seems like it's the calm before the storm - which in some aspects it is.
I do, however, have photos to share of my favorite little Valentines! When we went to visit, one of the things we did was make valentine cards to send to Oma and Papa (my parents), and to a few other family members.
Here's a cute one of just Michael and Arissa. They really are good kids. It's a shame that all three of them were sick the weekend we were there. I'm almost glad because even with being sick, they had TONS of energy. It was amazing! If they were in full health I think Steve and I would seriously rethink having any of our own. My mother keeps telling me.... "Just remember they don't normally come 3 at a time." I had to remind Steve of that MANY times over the weekend!
I've recieved many fun packages and sussies over the last few weeks from some amazing people - but their acknowledgemetn deserves a post to itself. I'll do that later today!
Steve and I celebrated Valentine's Daylast weekend by going to dinner and just taking it easy. We wanted to avoid the Wednesday traffic, and since Steve works nights, it would have been extra difficult for us to actually go somewhere. Sometimes it's hard enough to just get a meal on the table in time for him to eat before he needs to leave for work.
Also on Wednesday night, I'm starting a new VERY part-time job at my local scrapbooking store, The Scrapbook Pad. I'll be working one night a week (mostly Wednesday nights) and hostessing the crop on one of the weekend nights. Of course, I'll likely fill in here and there for other shifts, but that's mostly what I'll be working for now. I'm a bit nervous (can you believe it?), but I think it'll be fun.
In case you didn't know (I didn't until I read about it Sunday night over on the Scrappers Bliss Message Board), this week is National Clean and Organize Your Scrap Space Week. Who knew? Anyway, the fabulous Stacey shared a dandy schedule of how to accomplish this huge feat. I'm happy to report I am RIGHT on schedule and even a bit ahead (shock of shocks)! I even took PICTURES! I sent them to myself here at work this morning, but they've yet to arrive. Something tells me they got stuck in cyber space somewhere. I'll try to remember to post them tonight.
Ainsley didn't want to sit still for anything, and this is the best photo I captured of the three of them together. I have finally started to realize what others talk about when they said they only got a few good shots of thier kids when posing them. Good Night... I have oodles of HILAIROUS outtakes of the three of them. I'll have to share them sometime. I know that Oma would love to see them!
I've recieved many fun packages and sussies over the last few weeks from some amazing people - but their acknowledgemetn deserves a post to itself. I'll do that later today!
Thank you so much for sending me the pictures. It was a great Valentine's Day surprise! Hearts to you - Mom
Yes, yes I would love to see the "out-takes." Thank you in advance for sending them on to me.
Love you,
Such cute little people!
Thank you so much for the kind comment on my blog. It's so nice to hear from people. Seriously??? Ask Jill? Hmmm....
Glad you had fun celebrating Valentines Day. Hope your new job is fun....sounds like it will be.
Take care and keep in touch!!!!
I'm going to end up ditching Recollections and following my friends to The Pad, aren't I?
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