Yes, the official relocation of my office is complete – at least for my team anyway. I couldn’t be happier with my commute. I think, on the longest day, it only takes me 6 or 7 minutes to get to work. Compared to and hour and a half before – it’s a dream. Pure delight. However, I’ve lost my “traffic” excuse for being late. Any creative excuses that would apply to me?
The weekend seems to have flown by in a blur. Steve and I had “Date Night” on Friday night, but didn’t end up doing anything “date worthy.” I suppose we’re starting to fall into the repetitive nature of marriage-dom. I’m not complaining – I’m just sayin’. We went to IKEA (twice!!) and picked up a new bed. We’re going to keep our mattress and box springs, but everything else for it will be new. I’m partial to my bed. It looks like we’ll be making another trip out in the VERY near future, as the hardware seems to be missing from my bags. And, since you bag your own stuff at IKEA, you can guess who is to blame. Yep – me.
We tried to see a movie. We even bought the tickets – AND in plenty of time to catch the flick. Sadly, the theater people had different ideas. They oversold the theater… Yay them. Boo for us. They offered to let us wait for the next show… how kind of them.
We’re getting ready for Kimberlee to move in… and for Chris & Cara’s wedding. One is this weekend (wedding) the other is next (graduation & Kim’s moving). June just has it in for us! J
I’m bummed though. This weekend is Sheri’s 50th birthday. Can you believe it? Candy and Oliver (aka my scary Portland “date”) are throwing a HUGE ho-down for her at a fun country bar in Portland. I, being the blonde I am (well, at times – depending on my stylist) thought it was LAST weekend and had planned to travel out to attend. However, as it dawned on me was THIS weekend (Note to Self: Sheri’s birthday is on the same day EVERY year), there isn’t anyway to attend with Chris & Cara’s wedding also being this weekend. ACK! So bummed that I won’t be there.
On the upside (if there IS an upside to NOT traveling to Portland and having one HECK of a great time with family and friends – and a COUNTRY bar… complete with a bull mind you) the Great American Scrapbook Convention is this weekend. Well, the one in Arlington, Texas anyway. It’s definitely THE largest GASC in the country, if not the largest scrapbooking convention overall. I’m really looking forward to seeing some of my scrap friends (Cindy C., Carrie, Mendy, Cindy, LeAnne and a bunch more). It’s going to be the FIRST time I’m attending as a student and NOT as a teacher. Because of the craziness of this weekend’s schedule, I’m only taking a few classes. But, I’m looking forward to them anyway. I’m most looking forward to the classes taught by Pam Lambie and Jennifer Lynn Moody – from Pinecone Press. Their book “{Self}Centered” really inspired me. I wish it had been published before I got married – but I’m uber glad that I have it anyway.
On a totally different and separate note, I’m working on creating an additional blog. This one will TOTALLY be about sharing recipes with those of you who have asked me for my recipes. It’s always a huge compliment to me, and undoubtedly to my mothers’ incredible cooking skills (seriously, she is THE shizz. My dad would RATHER eat at home than at a restaurant. In his own words “I can get something vastly better from your mother” ). And of course, to the years of cooking classes and participation in ‘Future Homemakers of America’ (bet you didn’t know I was even president of our chapter did ya?? Shhhh lets keep it on the DL… it’s bad enough that my Ohio friends often referred to me as “Martha Crocker.”) I’ll be sure to share the weblink with you when I have it a bit more organized.
1 comment:
ohhh Heather can't wait to see you honey email me so I can get you # see you soon
Love ya
Le Anne
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