Preview of Coming Attractions...

With so much going on, and so many different posts I want to share, here's a tickler list for me to manage what I want to post about in the near(est) future...

  2. Annual Adoption Question and Answer Post
  3. Pantry Re-Organization (which may turn into a "show me your pantry" blog hop)
  4. Blog Redesign Unveiling
  5. My determined attempt at chocolate dipped salted toffee and salted caramels!
  6. October's Menu Plan (and an update to how August worked out and what we did for September)
  7. Silver Bella 2010 Swap Preparations
This and oh so much more!

1 comment:

meleen dupré said...

hey heather,

as always, it was great to see you at tcc!!! a big thank you for all your work!!! i posted a bunch of photos, take a peak if you have a chance. see you in omaha!!!

ox, meleen