
I love gleaning bits and pieces of insight from others. They seem to apply to me (at least I catch on to them) in small short bursts. I often find them when I’m blog reading, when I’m listening to music, or when I’m listening to others speak. When I realize them, I generally think… ‘oooh that’s a good one!” and I’ll file it away into my mental file-o-fax. I don’t always remember that it’s there waiting to be remembered or used. That is, unless I write (or type) it down later.

Yesterday, I recognized a particularly good piece of insight during Relief Society. It’s important enough that I need to remember it for many future references. I thought you might want to hear it too. So, here it is…

When I am going through challenges or trial in my life, they seem to go on forever – I can’t see the end of it (or a light at the end of the tunnel). I get so overwhelmed in handling the moment, that I don’t stop and realize the whole picture. My life can even get completely wrapped up enduring the trial and I can’t get past it, it’s there with me FOREVER; or so it seems).

We often read in the scriptures “… and it came to pass.” We never read “… and it came to stay.” So, going forward, when I’m in the middle of something that seems to be particularly trying or difficult for me (whether it is situations with people, work, or other) I’m going to try to remember that… it will come to pass. I won’t have to endure it forever – it will be over eventually. It will come to pass.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Heather those are very wise words indeed - words I must learn to put into practice too. I feel a gleaning moment for me here!!! hehhehe

Norma (localocairis)